
Acupuncture is an effective treatment for chronic and acute complaints. As a treatment method it belongs to traditional Chinese medicine and is based on the ancient principle of the balance between yin and yang. If this balance is disrupted, a complaint may arise. Acupuncture can restore and or even improve health by stimulating acupuncture points on the meridians of the body. It is thanks to the complex network of the meridians thatqi and blood are transported to every part of the body. All organs, tissues and senses are nourished, strengthened and warmed by qi and blood.

An Acupuncture treatment

During an Acupuncture treatment special thin acupuncture needles will be used. During a treatment, specific points are punctured on the body. Which points these are depends on the complaint. Each acupuncture point has a unique combination of properties. By puncturing the right, carefully chosen combination of points, your body is brought more into balance. This reduces the complaints and you experience more peace and relaxation.

The term acupuncture, meaning 'using needles to puncture', is translated from the Chinese word Zhen Jiu, in which Zhen means' using a needle to puncture 'and Jiu refers to' heating with the help of moxa on the acupuncture points'.

There are several treatment methods from acupuncture. The following two Acupuncture treatment methods are used within Practice Organ Balance:

Classic acupuncture
acupunctuur volgens de Balans-methode

Every treatment method has it's own benefits During the consult your therapist will discuss which treatment method will be most beneficial to you. There is a wide variety of complementairy treatments available, nowadays. Acupuncture is one of the most well know and populair treatments available and often applied in combination with western medicene treatments. Stop ignoring your complaints and make an appointment now.

Acupuncture effective for intestinal complaints, headaches, back pain and many other complaints:

intestinal complaints
gynecological disorders
high bloodpressure
hot flushes
posttraumatic stress disorder
irritable bowel syndrome
sleep disorders
common cold
fertility problems

Recognized by health insurers

Most health insurers reimburse the entire or a part of the acupuncture treatment from the 'aanvullende verzekering' (supplementary insurance). This differs per health insurer and the chosen care package. This treatment falls under alternative medicine. Practice Organ Balance is affiliated with the professional association LVNT.